About: Kangbin Zheng
Kangbin Zheng
Kangbin Zheng
Management Team | Contributor
Email: kzheng@e4CDp.org | Personal Website
Financing energy efficiency and renewable energy projects
PhD, Economics, Georgetown University (1992); MA, Management Science, Wuhan University (1985);

Kangbin Zheng is the CEO at TekoNet, a platform for low carbon technology incubation and transfer, as well as a member of the boards of the Bank of Hangzhou and Xiamen International Bank, focusing on promoting public-private partnerships and facilitating private sector development. He has more than 27 years experiences in project finance, risk management and financial engineering, pioneering in innovating new financial instruments and business strategies to support sustainable growth in developing countries and emerging markets. Dr. Zheng have worked at the Asian Development Bank, as well as the headquarters of the World Bank in Washington DC for 21 years, and taught at Zhejiang University and Wuhan University as an adjunct professor.

Poverty Levels
The threshold below which a degradation to lower poverty level results to dissatisfaction (analogous[...]
Kangbin Zheng and Ram Poudel